Friday, 18 October 2024

Production Engineering-II (Revision 2021)- Questions and Answers

1.Write short notes on lathe and lathe operations✈✈✈

2.List and explain different types of lathe✈✈✈

3.With a neat diagram explain the parts of a lathe✈✈✈
4.Write short notes on headstock of a lathe✈✈✈
5.Explain about carriage of a lathe✈✈✈
6.Explain the tail stock of a lathe✈✈✈
7.Explain different types of tool posts✈✈✈
8.How to specify a lathe ?✈✈✈
9.Explain about the rests used in lathe✈✈✈
10.Explain different types of mandrels used in lathe✈✈✈
11.Explain about accessories and attachments used in lathe✈✈✈
12.Explain the work holding devices used in lathe✈✈✈
13.Explain about lathe centres✈✈✈
14.Explain about carriers and catch plates used in lathe✈✈✈
15.Explain different types of chuck used in lathe✈✈✈
16.Explain various operations performed in lathe✈✈✈
17.What is knurling ? Explain✈✈✈
18.Explain different taper turning methods✈✈✈
19.Explain cutting speed, feed and depth of cut in lathe 
20.Write short notes on drilling✈✈✈
21.With a neat sketch explain the nomenclature of a drill✈✈✈
22.How to designate a drill ?✈✈✈
23.Explain different types of drilling machines✈✈✈
24.With a neat sketch explain the parts of a sensitive drilling machine✈✈✈
25.With a neat sketch explain the parts of an upright drilling 
26.With a neat sketch explain the radial drilling machine✈✈✈
27.How to specify a drilling machine ?✈✈✈
28.Explain about work holding devices used in drilling 
29.Explain about tool holding devices used in drilling 
30.Explain different tools used in drilling machine✈✈✈
31.Explain different operations performed in drilling machine✈✈✈
32.Explain different types of shapers✈✈✈
33.With a neat sketch explain the parts of a shaper✈✈✈
34.With a neat sketch explain the shaper mechanism✈✈✈
35.Explain the quick return principle of a shaper✈✈✈
36.What is the difference between mechanical and hydraulic 
37.Explain the work holding devices used in shaper✈✈✈
38.Explain various operations performed in shaper✈✈✈
39.With a neat sketch explain the parts of a planer✈✈✈
40.Explain the work holding devices used in planer✈✈✈
41.What is the difference between shaper and planer✈✈✈
42.With a neat sketch explain the parts of a slotter ✈✈✈
43.Write short notes on Lapping✈✈✈
44.Write short notes on Honing✈✈✈
45.Write short notes on super finishing✈✈✈
46.What is grinding? write its advantages✈✈✈
47.Explain different types of abrasives used in grinding 
48.Explain different types of bonds used in grinding wheel✈✈✈
49.Explain grain size, grade and structure of a grinding 
50.Explain the standard marking system of a grinding wheel✈✈✈

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