Thursday, 30 December 2021


File is a metal cutting tool used to remove small amount of material from metal surfaces either to shape, size or finish it. Files are made out of high grade tool steel hardened and tempered. Files have slanting raws of teeth on its face and edges. The figure shows different parts of a file.

Face is the flat surfaces of the file over which grooves to form the cutting teeth are being cut.

Teeth is the sharp edges formed on the face and edges on the file to remove material. Teeth may be in a single row in single cut file or with multiple edges in a double cut file.

Tang is the part of the file over which the handle fix.

Point is the end opposite to the tang of the file.

The sides of the files are called edges which may be with or without teeth ( safe edge files ).

Heel is the part of the face where there is no teeth.

Length of the file
It is the distance from heel to the point of the file.

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