Mechanics of Metal cutting
Knowledge on mechanics of metal cutting in terms of forces, stresses, strains, co-efficient of friction, power requirements etc. made the metal cutting efficiency greater which in turn result in the greater production output demanded by the modern industrial technology.
The figure illustrates the mechanism in general terms. Here the metal deform by shear in a narrow zone extending from the cutting edge to the work surface. This shear zone is treated as a single plane for the purpose of mathematical analysis and is commonly referred to as shear plane. The angle which the shear plane makes with the direction of travel of the tool is known as the shear angle.
The outward or shearing movement of each successive element is arrested by work hardening and the movement is transferred to the next element. The process is repetitive and a continuous chip is formed having a highly compressed and burnished underside and a minutely serrated top side caused by shearing action.
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