9 X 1 = 9 Marks
Answer all questions in one word or one sentence. Each question carries one mark
1. What happens to a work piece after facing operation ?
2. What happens when a boring operation is done ?
3. What drive is used in a shaper ?
4. What type of cutting tool do we use in a slotter machine?
5. Which part of the slotter machine moves while machining a work piece ?
6. How does gang milling differ from the normal milling operation ?
7. Which method of gear production is the most widely used ?
8. Define the term grade in a grinding wheel
9. Why should balancing be done on a grinding wheel?
Answer any 8 questions from the following. Each question carries three marks
8 x 3 = 24 Marks
1. List down the difference between 3 jaw chuck and 4 jaw chuck
2. List down the specification using a shaper
3. Mention the work holding devices used in slotter
4. Sketch the parts of a shaper
5. Mention the working principle of a planer
6. Mention the process of machining in non conventional milling
7. Briefly explain any two milling methods
8. Briefly explain the process lapping
9. What is a work holding device ? Why is it important in production ?
10. What is a bond and list down the types of bonds
Answer all questions. Each question carries Seven marks
6 x 7 = 42 Marks
III. Sketch and explain the basic components of a lathe
IV. Explain the radial type drilling machine
V. Illustrate the process of taper turning using tailstock set over method
VI. Sketch and explain the Sensitive drilling machine
VII. Illustrate the parts of a knee and column type milling machine
VIII. Briefly describe the tool holding devices in a milling machine
IX. Explain the quick return mechanism used in shaper
X. Sketch and explain the work holding devices used in planer
XI. Illustrate the working of honing operation
XII. Sketch and explain the work holding devices used in planer
XIII. Discuss the machine set up Tool Cutter machine
XIV. Explain the different types of abrasives used in grinding wheel
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