Three different types of flames used in gas welding are:
Neutral flame
Carburizing flame
Oxidizing flame
Neutral flame
When oxygen and acetylene are supplied to the torch in nearly equal
volumes, a neutral flame is produced having a temperature of
A neutral flame has two definite zones. A sharp brilliant cone extending a short distance from the tip and an outer cone or envelope, only faintly luminous and bluish in colour.
The neutral lame is used for welding steel, stainless steel, cast iron,
copper, aluminium etc.
When there is excess of acetylene than oxygen, a carburizing flame
is produced. This flame has three zones. A sharply defined inner cone, an intermediate cone of whitish colour and a bluish outer cone.
A carburizing flame is advantageous for welding high carbon steel
and hard facing nonferrous alloys like nickel.
Oxidizing flame
When there is excess of oxygen than acetylene, oxidizing flame is
produced. This flame has two zones. A small inner cone which has purplish tinge and a small and narrow outer envelop.
This flame is used for welding zinc, copper, manganese steel, cast iron etc.
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